I started my journey in Christ in my late 20's, However, it caused me to excel with over 7 Business Awards. I learned to Minister to women through my business and I grew in my calling in Christ and was Ordained by Apostle Karen Dixson of Evangelical Christian Church England.
Worship has always been the core of what I do and I believe that being a Worshipper has kept my heart from being torn apart by life. Telling God how great He is is my favourite thing to do, writing songs and expressing encouragement comes naturally as the Psalms are an encouragement so I have also loved to flow in the ups and downs of life and just be myself.
We don't really know our destiny as it is rolled out with and through Christ. I believe we know as much as is on the end of our noses, However, if we stay close to God He begins to unwrap purpose and in retrospect we ca put a finger on how all the pieces of the puzzle add up.
From who we met, good or bad, from every experience we have had and just learning to have faith.
Find what you love, confirm it and do it with passion, start and finish strong. Dont despise humble begginings and have grace for when things do go so well. Gos has you in his hands because despite every emotion that stirs up, He knows the end and there is always a time when we look back and realize he was always there.
When I walk a person through deliverance it is exciting to know that they remember God being there, they can go back to even the most hurtful situation and recall that there is a peace available to them if they just reach for it.
God heals the broken hearted v and does not want us to walk around wounded. In fact he wants us to be able to impact someone else with the testimony of our lives, because it encourages someone else.
God doesn't lie, He keeps His promises, when you hear His voice, everything in your life will change.