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Love from Guyana

In 2014, I was priviledged to go on Christian Missions in Guyana. I had met Jennifer Shields who was teaching the Psalmody class around various Church denominations and she told me of a Mission that would celebrate the 40th Year of Independance in Guyana alongside a Missionary Phillip Mohabir, who was sent to England from Guyana to mobilize and teach 5 Fold Ministry to the Churches in the UK.

He was a radical Apostolic teacher and His daughters were an annointed worship team. As I got to know the organizers, I would sit in the chair of Annie Prasad and help the Mission with my Administrative gifts. The Holy Spirit allowed me to find travel agents to work with the team and payment installments, I was also empowered to help with much of the planning and detail of what would be taught and the Mission itinerary.

Once day I had prepared a big breakfast for Bishop Lenox Hall who was visiting the UK from the US. The organizer was explaining of some challenges that we faced. I was priviledged to sit next to Bishop and I explained that in the market place when we are arriving with resources there was a certain way that we would dispense it. He captured what was in my heart and literally said, anywhere I minister, your team will come with me.

Bishop Hall opened up doors for worship, dance and Flag Ministry to Glorify God in Guyana.

On the morning of the 40th Year Celebration I arrived at the venue and I was wearing the same Blue as the Hospitality team who immediately took a shine to me and ask who I was and where I was from. As I began to talk with them more there was just such a Godly connection to the point where they pinned their corsage on me and asked to take a picture with them.

God will sometimes connect you through the spirit to people who you have never met before. Looking at this picture you wouldn't know that only moments before they pinned the corsage on me and yet the love of God radiated so strongly, we were able to show love to each other.

That day the ministry from the guest speakers was powerful, However I felt Gods presence most by being welcomed with such hospitality by these ladies.

We must each be a beacon of hope and love so that 'ALL Men may know' who Jesus is. Our difference are what makes us beautiful in Gods sight. I have a huge passion for Missions locally and internationally and it starts in the heart. It starts with you.

When you have inner healing and can find inner peace and stillness and Gods love, it will radiate out.

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